Why Get Bookings in Early?

Scheduling work now can help define your opening hours and what technician resource you’ll need, as well as help you effectively manage your finances.
Arranging upfront bookings will help spread the word that you are planning on being business as usual to your customer base too.
Start by:
·        Working through your database to understand which customers have services that are overdue or needed in the next few weeks
·        Contact these owners by telephone explaining you are re-opening, offering an early booking slot of their choice
These calls do help with awareness to your customer base, but don’t just take our word for it; one garage owner reported a 43% uptake on the phone calls he made in a single day. Another owner stated a mailshot resulted in no bookings however phone calls resulted in 11 bookings on the day the calls were made. These calls could be the little boost your garage needs to get the wheels back in motion.

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